Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer Budget Update

As Vice President of the Rocky Mountain Synod,  I want to give you a brief update on the current state of the RMS Budget.

Transition Expenses:
The transition budget that passed at the synod assembly allowed for $145,000 in expenses. Creating the budget was challenging because there were so many unknowns. Some of the expenses are related to events (election, appreciation, installation), others related to staff who might be leaving (severance, vacation, contracts for training/overlap period, etc.) and still others related to staff who might be coming (moving, office equipment, furniture as needed, etc.). As of mid July we have spent approximately $8,900. Most of the anticipated expenses have not yet happened, however we now have a much clearer picture of what to expect. I am glad to inform you that we are right on track. Barring any unforeseen events, we expect to come in under the budget when the transition is complete.

Congregational Giving:
The chart below shows congregational giving to the Rocky Mountain Synod from 2004 to present.  The data is summarized into three groups: the average giving from 2004-2008 (before the economic crisis), 2009-2011 (during and after the crisis) and this year to date.

It is not surprising that the average after the economic crisis is lower than it was before. What is disconcerting is that 2012 shows no sign of recovery. In fact congregational giving last June represented the lowest income of any month since 2004. Cheryl the financial secretary says that it is the lowest one month income she has ever seen since she started in this job about 17 years ago.

It is easy and tempting to speculate about why this is. Are times really that tight in congregations? Does this have something to do with the transition? …. But such speculation rarely bares any fruit. Instead, I would like to simply ask.  

Please take a moment and post at the bottom of this blog what is happening with your congregation. What is happening with your income.  What is happening with your giving to the RMS and why? What do you expect for the rest of the year? What ideas do you have? What resources do you need? Let’s talk about this together as a synod. After all, this is the money we use to do ministry together.  It is also the money we use to support each other.  I suspect if we talk about this openly we will be able to connect needs to knowledge in new ways that will benefit everyone.  Please take a moment and join the conversation. This affects all of us. 

Linda Bobbitt